The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.

Therapy Services

The New Mexico DDSD supports the provision of Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT), and Speech Therapy services to individuals on the Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DDW) and Mi Via Waiver and Medically Fragile Waiver. These services may not duplicate therapy services provided under the Medicaid system. Each waiver has its own set of service standards describing the scope of therapy services allowable and standards for practice.

The Clinical Services Bureau contracts with state wide and national consultants who support the ongoing professional growth and development of DDW therapy providers. CSB therapists are available for training and consultation on a variety of issues.

Participatory Approach to Therapy

The participatory approach to Therapy is based on the idea that no individual is too disabled to participate in meaningful life activities.  For some this is accomplished though the use of Assistive Technology and application of therapeutic strategies.

Please see the Therapy Services: Participatory Approach Philosophy Guidelines to learn more.  Contact your therapy consultant if you have any questions.

Collaborative-Consultative Model of Therapy Service

The Collaborative-Consultative Model of Therapy Service is the mandated and only model of therapy service provision that is funded by the New Mexico Home and Community-Based Waiver Program (a.k.a. DDW).  Please see our Therapy Services: Collaborative-Consultative Therapy Service Model Guidelines to learn more.

Accessing Therapy Services in Underserved Counties

Some counties in New Mexico lack adequate therapy service providers to meet the need for OT, PT and SLP services.

To review resources and request support please see the following documents:

Documentation, Resources, and Templates 

Assistive Technology Inventory

Assistive Technology Fund

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Therapy

Therapist Updates Newsletter

    Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Initiative

    The following templates are highly recommended for use by Therapy Agencies to complete the required Therapy Agency QI Plan (due with the initial and renewal provider applications) as well as to complete the required Therapy Agency QI Annual Report. Please review the instructions included for each QI Template.

    In an effort to support therapists and therapy agencies in implementing the DD Waiver Therapy Standards, the Clinical Services Bureau (CSB) has initiated a formal on-site QA review and consultation process for DD Waiver Therapy Services. One or more CSB Therapy Consultants visit the therapy agency to conduct the QA Review. This CSB Quality Review will be active at various times during the year and therapy agencies will receive further information and instructions well in advance of any on-site review. During and after the QA Review visit, a formal QA Review Summary Report is completed and technical assistance, general consultation and various clinical resources are provided as indicated.

    The following is the CSB Therapy Services QA Review Tool that will be used to guide any on-site QA review and consultation process.