The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.

Advisory Council on Quality

The Advisory Council on Quality Supports for People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (ACQ) advises the New Mexico Health Care Authority on the systems guiding the provision of services and supports that assist people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (IDD) of all ages and their families to be fully included in New Mexico communities.

ACQ Wins Prestigious Inaugural Cathy Anderson Award

Link to award video: Cathy Anderson Award Video


The purpose of the ACQ is to provide advisory counsel to the Department about the needs of people with IDD, their families and support networks.


The duties and responsibilities of the ACQ includes, but are not limited to the following.

  • Conduct meetings every other month;
  • Advise and assist the Department in the development and monitoring of a quality assurance system (including quality indicators) for people with IDD;
  • Provide information and feedback about service availability and current needs with regards to people with IDD;
  • Receive, interpret and react to statewide needs assessment data;
  • Evaluate the statewide needs assessment processes and recommend modifications and improvement for future surveys;
  • Recommend priorities for the development, modification and expansion of services to meet needs of people with IDD;
  • Advise and assist the Division staff developing periodic State Plans for services to people with IDD.  Participate in the ongoing development and implementation of the DDSD State Plan;
  • Assist in the dissemination of the State Plan to public and private entities;
  • Promote collaboration efforts among state agencies and community based programs serving people with IDD;
  • Recommend legislative activities for development, improvement and expansion of services;
  • Advocate for system change to stimulate state-of-the-art, cost effective services which address the specialized and individual needs of people with IDD; and
  • Advise the Division on policy changes and policy development.


Please see the Advisory Council on Quality: By-Laws  to learn more.


The ACQ meets every other month, and at other times as deemed necessary by the Division Director and/or ACQ co-chairs. The current meeting schedule appears below.

ACQ Member Orientation


ACQ Meeting Public Comments

Public comments recorded at ACQ meetings can be found here: ACQ Public Comments


ACQ Executive Committee


ACQ Executive Committee Listening Sessions




ACQ Meetings









ACQ Voting Members:

The Advisory Council shall consist of a minimum of fifteen (15) voting members with a maximum of thirty-six (36) members and have seventeen be either family members or individuals with disabilities. Over 50% of the ACQ shall consist of individuals with disabilities and family members. The following membership categories represent the maximum number of members for each category.

  • Fifteen (15) People with I/DD and members of their families – Individuals with a diagnosis, either in childhood or adulthood, of an intellectual or developmental disability or family members or family guardians (i.e., not corporate guardian) of that individual. One member shall receive services at an Intermediate Care Facility/IDD.
  • Three (3) Direct Support Professionals – Individuals who work hands-on directly with individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities who are NOT therapists, consultants, family members or case managers.
  • Ten (10) Providers of Services – Service professionals NOT covered by the direct care staff category including case managers, consultants, therapists, corporate guardians, and other providers to individuals with I/DD. The following categories are required: At least one case manager, one therapist, one behavior support consultant and one representative of an Intermediate Care Facility/IDD.
  • Two (2) Self Advocacy Organizations and networks – Organizations or networks where the majority of the membership includes individuals with disabilities and the primary goal is to advocate for the needs and wants of individuals with I/DD.
  • Three (3) Advocacy Organizations and networks – Organizations who do NOT provide services to people with disabilities and whose primary goal is to represent the interests of people with I/DD and their family members either as individuals or as a group of individuals.
  • One (1) designee of the Family Infant Toddler Interagency Coordinating Council as appointed by the membership of the Family Infant Toddler Interagency Coordinating Council;
  • One (1) designee of the Mi Via Advisory Committee as appointed by the membership of the Mi Via Advisory Committee; and
  • One (1) designee of the Medically Fragile Waiver Family Advisory Board as appointed by the membership of the committee Medically Fragile Waiver Family Advisory Board.
  • Members are required each year to sign a statement listing all potential conflicts of interest (i.e., financial interest in providing services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities).

State Agency Non-Voting Partners

  • Human Services Department – Medical Assistance Division;
  • Department of Health – Division of Health Improvement;
  • Department of Health – Developmental Disabilities Supports Division;
  • Center for Development and Disability;
  • Governor’s Commission on Disability;
  • Developmental DisabilitiesCouncil;
  • Attorney General’s Office.
  • Children Youth and Families Department;
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation;
  • Public Education Department;
  • Early Childhood Education and Care Department

Members of the Advisory Council shall be appointed for terms of three years. To ensure ACQ membership meets the requirements of the by-laws, the ACQ will vote by a majority of members representing a quorum of the full Advisory Council to approve candidates for membership. All nominations and applications for Advisory Council membership will be submitted to DDSD who will forward to the Governor’s office for review, vetting purposes and appointment. Any member appointed to the ACQ shall be allowed to serve the duration of their term.

To Apply for ACQ Membership

To submit an application for membership, please complete the following attachments and return them along with a current resume to Wendy Corry at wendy@corryconsulting.com or 2812 Glenwood Dr. NW; Albuquerque, NM 87107.

If you need assistance in completing these forms, contact Wendy Corry (505-238-0047).


Subcommittees or workgroups shall be created at the discretion of the Division Director or designee or the Advisory Council Chairpersons.  Each sub-committee will have a chair person(s) appointed by the Advisory Council Chairpersons.  The committee chair shall be an Advisory Council member or NMDOH staff person; however, membership may include non-Advisory Council members.  These subcommittees and study groups shall report to the Advisory Council.

There are four (4) standing committees designated by the Bylaws: Executive/Membership Committee, Policy and Quality Committee, By-Laws Committee, and Mi Via Advisory Committee.

Executive Committee

Responsible for developing the agenda for the quarterly meetings and shall be composed of the Co-Chairs, the Division Director or designee, and two (2) members from the Advisory Council at-large.  Executive Committee members must all be Advisory Council members and shall meet at the call of the co-chairs.  The Committee will meet with the Division Director or designee at least two (2) weeks prior to regularly scheduled bi-monthly meetings.

Policy and Quality Committee

Shall function as the policy developing and information review agent for the full Advisory Council.  Please visit the Policy and Quality Committee section of our website to learn more.

The Advisory Council By-Laws Committee

Shall review the By-Laws as needed and the By-Laws Committee will meet at least once every other year to review the by-laws. See ACQ By-Laws.

Mi Via Advisory Committee

Shall provide guidance and assistance to reinforce the Mi Via philosophy of self-direction; and ongoing evaluation and improvement of the Mi Via Waiver.  Please visit the Mi Via Advisory Committee section of our website to learn more.

DD Waiver Steering Committee

Shall provide guidance and assistance to renew and improve the traditional DD Waiver for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approval and provide guidance to update service standards, regulations and policies and procedures. The committee will meet as needed more frequently during times of change. The committee shall focus on person centered planning, a quality provider system, cost containment as well as other federal requirements and national best practices. Please visit DD Waiver Steering Committee to learn more.