2023 NM Block Mini Grant Application Public Comment

Combined Mental Health and Substance Abuse Application
Public Comment Period
8/15/22 (8am) � 8/26/22 (5pm)

Title XIX, Subpart III, section 1941 of the PHS Act (42 USC section 300x-51) requires, as a condition of the funding agreement for the grant, states will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the state block grant plan. States should make the plan public in such a manner as to facilitate comment from any person (including federal, tribal, or other public agencies) both during the development of the plan (including any revisions) and after the submission of the plan to SAMHSA.

Submit Public Comment via email to: Cynthia.Romero@state.nm.us
Subject line: BG Application Public Comment

You may view the application at:
LOGIN: citizennm
Password: citizen
Select: Existing Applications
Select: 2023 Combined MHBG/SABG Application/Behavioral Health Assessment and Plan
Select: Any link for viewing within the Application Page

Please be informed that all tables and attachments are in draft and are not considered final until submission on 9/1/2022. Some content may be subject to change slightly before submission but not enough to change the integrity of the table or application.