Human Services Department publishes the 2021 Data Book Volume 2 | Provides national data that compares New Mexico to other states

SANTA FE – New Mexico Human Services Department announces the publication of the department’s second Data Book Volume 2. It is a summary of social, economic, and health statistics of our state. The Data Book presents, in one reference document, a diversity of information and is designed to facilitate comparisons of national, state, and county-level data.

“The 2021 Data Book contains an abundance of information that can be used to drive evidence‐based policy and legislation to positively transform the lives of New Mexicans,” said Cabinet Secretary David R. Scrase, M.D. “Transparency and fact-based information helps us identify our state’s areas of greatest need to develop policy solutions that address those needs.”

Link to the entire book: The HSD Data Book Volume 2 | 2021.1 (size 36,102 KB)

The Data Book contains various sections, representing the types of information most frequently requested by a broad range of stakeholders.

2020 AGENCY HIGHLIGHTS | File size 239 KB

Section 1B highlights significant efforts of Human Services Department, Aging and Long Term Services Department, and Children, Youth, and Families Department from 2020 including efforts to support New Mexicans during the COVID‐19 pandemic.


This section provides information and statistics across a range of demographic, health, and socioeconomic indicators. U.S. maps are broken out by the state, and New Mexico maps are presented at the county-level. A text box on the bottom right of each table provides information important for the correct interpretation of the table. In many tables, details will not add exactly to the totals and subtotals shown because of rounding.


New Mexico’s health and human services agencies serve over half of New Mexicans. Program Enrollment data illustrates the number of people served by the: Human Services Department, Aging and Long Term Services Department, and Children, Youth, and Families Department as well as the total program expenditures by county.

The map below is a sample of many of the maps included in the Data Book. It represents the New Mexico Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) recipients as a percentage of population by county as of October 2020.



This section highlights significant Human Services Department budget requests in a clear and concise format by summarizing the request, proposed funding and benefits to New Mexico. The state fiscal year 2022 budget request is $1.130 billion to leverage an additional $6.737 billion in federal dollars to help nearly half of the state’s residents through the unprecedented COVID-19 public health crisis. Nearly 85 percent of the department’s budget is funded by federal matching funds from a variety of programs. For every additional dollar of new general fund, the department will earn ~$2.52 in additional federal funds. The fiscal year 2022 request reflect the administration’s efforts to invest in these critical and important programs.

COUNTY FACTSHEETS  | File size 12,476 KB

This section provides comparable information and statistics across a range of demographic and socioeconomic indicators, as well as information related to the Human Services Department field offices, program enrollment and funding. Also included are details related to local health providers such as nursing facilities, hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and community resources such as food banks and COVID-19 testing sites.


This section showcases the new, online and publicly‐accessible Performance Scorecard organized by the department’s strategic goals. The Performance Scorecard is a strategic management tool used to identify and improve various internal business functions and their resulting outcomes, and provide feedback to key stakeholders, including department customers and the public. It is designed to help answer the most common questions New Mexicans may have about the Human Services Department. Individuals can use the Scorecard to choose a Medicaid Managed Care Organization that best meets their needs, or to determine how quickly they can apply for and get benefits via several different routes. Some of the metrics show opportunities for improvement; and, ultimately, the Scorecard shows what the department is doing and how well we are performing. Included in this section are graphs and descriptions of all 31 measures. We recommend viewing this online to see the most updated data.

The Human Services Department provides services and benefits to more than 1 million New Mexicans through several programs including: the Medicaid Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Child Support Program, and several Behavioral Health Services.
